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Enjoying The Journey: A Personal Trainer's Three-Step Guide

Updated: Jan 30

Spending just a few minutes every day reflecting can help you enjoy the process

We've been talking about setting goals that stick, and today we finally get to Step 3... Embracing and actually enjoying the journey. (if you have missed Steps 1 and 2, no worries! The links to those blogs are at the bottom of this one!)

It may take time to get to where you’re going. So our goal with this email is to give you 3 practices (and a few daily actions!) that can increase your odds of making it by taking time to enjoy the process along the way.

It’s human nature to overestimate how good something will make us feel. As a personal trainer I see many people put so much value in their end goal, and when they do reach their goals, they aren’t as happy as they thought they would be. It’s a little bit of a let down. 

Another trap of the human experience is “goal hopping”. We move directly into wanting more without acknowledging or  celebrating that we reached our goal. 

But the good news, is that you can train your brain to enjoying the process. This allows you to be happy more often, and put more value in your efforts and not the outcome, which actually increases your chance of reaching the outcome you desire! 

So, here are 3 ways you can enjoy the process:

1.) Reflect Frequently: 

Taking time to reflect on what your grateful for, what your excited about and recalling a memorable experience can flood your emotions with positive vibes! 

Ask your self everyday, or journal, these 3 questions:

  1. 3 things you are grateful for today? 

  2. 3 things that you are excited about?

  3. 1 memorable experience that happened today? Or 1 thing that went well today? 

2.) Celebrate Setbacks! 

Yup, I know that’s hard… but look at them is an opportunity to learn and grow. If everything was easy it would not challenge you to change and/or grow into the person you want to be. 

Take a few minutes at the end of the week and reflect on any setbacks that may have happened and game plan to not let them happen again. 

3.) Keep a Positivity Log! 

Keep a journal, create a note on your phone, and/or an album in your photos of your accomplishments along the way. Record a moment you were proud of yourself, or moments that brought you joy! Especially look for the moments where you feel like the future you! 

And when you find yourself feeling down or discouraged you can go look at your notes and go back to that place of positive memories and see the evidence of how for you have come. 

Setting goals is just the beginning…

The journey is the best part! 

And it starts with reflecting on where you’re at, setting realistic goals and focusing on enjoying the process! 

Ps. If you missed Part 1 and Part 2 you can find them by clicking the link below:

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