Halloween is here, and so are all those tempting treats! At AMPT Fitness, we’re here to tell you – go ahead, and enjoy! Savoring some candy is part of living life fully, and with the right approach, you can enjoy those treats while staying on track with your fitness goals.

The 90% Rule: Planning to Enjoy Without Guilt
We’re all about balance. If you’re eating right for your goals 90% of the time, you can enjoy yourself the other 10%. That means Halloween candy can definitely fit in your plan. The key is to enjoy it mindfully. Pick a time when you’ll have some treats, and savor every bite.
Perfection Isn’t Necessary
Trying to be perfect can actually backfire. The reality? You don’t need to cut out all “junk”, to reach your goals! Speaking of junk, don’t eat the stuff you don’t like, enjoy what you do! Aiming for progress, not perfection, will help you feel happier and more motivated in the long run.
Consider Our Halloween Candy Buy-Back Program
After Halloween, bring in your leftover candy for our Halloween buy-back program. If it’s there, chances are you’ll eat it – so why not donate it? All the candy collected goes to a great cause: it’s shipped overseas to our troops as a sweet reminder of home.
So go ahead, enjoy your candy, and keep moving toward your goals.
Happy Halloween!
Ps. Our Halloween Candy Buy Back program will from from Nov. 4-8th, at $1 per pound ($5 Maximum).